VCMI Stakeholder Forum

The Stakeholder Forum acts as a market sounding board for VCMI, capturing views and perspectives from a broad range of voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) participants.

About the Forum

The VCMI Stakeholder Forum captures views and perspectives from a broad range of VCMs participants to ensure that VCMI’s guidance is well designed, easy to understand and effective. The Forum also provides input on market needs to increase adoption of the Claims Code of Practice.

Participants include representatives from organizations committed to delivering the goals of the Paris Agreement and advancing high-integrity VCMs. They represent a diverse mix of individuals and organizations involved in global decarbonization efforts – spanning a variety of geographies, backgrounds, expertise, and different types of intended users of VCMI guidance.

Full details about the VCMI Stakeholder Forum and the role of participants can be found in the Terms of Reference (ToR), which are available online:

“The Claims Code of Practice has a vital role to play in building trust in the voluntary carbon markets and giving companies the confidence they need to invest in vital climate action. We look forward to working with colleagues on the Stakeholder Forum to shape the future development of the Code.”

Philip Brady Emergent

“The need for comprehensive solutions towards Net Zero journey is a need of an hour.”

Manoj Vyas Energy Advisory Services Pvt Ltd

“At Climate Action Platform – Africa (CAP-A), we see carbon markets as a key financial driver for climate positive growth. We are pleased to work with the VCMI Stakeholder Forum to ensure that Africa’s voluntary carbon market grows with integrity.”

Ash Berman Climate Action Platform for Africa (CAP-A)

“The development of carbon markets offers numerous opportunities to increase the competitiveness of countries, creating opportunities for jobs and income. Initiatives such as VCMI Stakeholder Forum are essential to ensure that these markets are guided by the highest levels of credibility and transparency.”

Rodrigo Lauria de Castro Loureiro Vale S.A.

“Being part of the VCMI Stakeholders Forum is extremely important to join forces from all continents and bring integrity, best practices and lessons learned for consolidation Carbon Markets. Claims Code is much welcome and it will bring security to actors who want to help and make a difference in the fight against climate change. Congratulations to VCMI!”

Janaina Correa da Fonseca Dallan Carbonext & NBS Brazilian Alliance
Driving integrity in voluntary carbon markets for climate resilience & a sustainable future

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