Corporate Climate Action Explained

Climate leadership is essential to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. VCMI is proud to work with fellow standard setters to build integrity in the voluntary carbon market and provide companies with confidence and clarity on the path to net zero.

How can companies achieve net zero

The role high-integrity carbon credits play

Transitioning to a net-zero future can seem a complex, and at times, daunting proposition for companies.

The stages, processes, and issues can be technically challenging, and understanding which organizations to turn to for support — and which frameworks to follow — is not always straightforward. That’s why, in collaboration with other standard setters, VCMI is pleased to share these visual tools illustrating and explaining the corporate climate action landscape.

The Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI) is proud to work alongside a group of organizations supporting ambitious climate action throughout different phases of the corporate decarbonization journey. We are helping corporates achieve credible climate leadership in collaboration with the following organizations:

  • The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Markets (IC-VCM)
  • We Mean Business Coalition (WMB)
  • Climate Disclosure Project (CDP)
  • Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
  • Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol)

Any company which is looking to embark on its own climate transition journey should look to these organizations for support and guidance.

Climate leadership is essential to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Companies that are ambitious in their climate action and refer to the work of internationally recognized standards will demonstrate integrity to their approach, while contributing meaningfully to global climate change mitigation efforts.

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How these organisations work together:


“Voluntary Carbon Markets catalyze crucial capital flow into emerging markets, embodying the ‘all hands on deck’ ethos we desperately need. While direct mitigation remains our priority, these markets are vital bridges, channelling resources and efforts where they are most needed. Every action counts, and the leadership of Voluntary Carbon Markets Initiative to foster high-integrity voluntary carbon markets are critical to ensure that the global community can contribute collectively to the biggest challenge humanity has faced.”

Ambassador Patricia Espinosa Former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

“Voluntary carbon markets can be a powerful tool for mobilizing the investment in innovative technologies and actions needed to keep a 1.5 C limit on warming within reach. VCMI is performing a vital service by establishing high-integrity pathways for companies to support stronger climate action while making progress toward their own net zero- goals. By creating sound guardrails for the use of high-quality carbon credits, the new VCMI guidance will provide strong assurance that this finance will help deliver the greater climate action we so urgently need.”

John Kerry U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

“High-integrity Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCMs), can channel private finance, which is urgently needed, to achieve rapid reductions in deforestation and forest degradation on the ground; a necessity to deliver green growth towards the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals. There is therefore the need to strengthen VCMs with the right tools and capacity both for the demand and supply sides. Ghana has invested in the necessary legal and institutional frameworks to embed integrity in carbon market programs, operating across both voluntary and compliance markets. We welcome the VCMI’s Claims Code of Practice, which builds trust and confidence in the market. We encourage the private sector to take action without delay – purchase high quality carbon credits, make a VCMI claim, and demonstrate climate leadership that has transformative value for people and their ecosystems”.

Hon. Minister Samuel A. Jinapor, MP Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Government of Ghana

“We would like to congratulate the release of additional guidance for the Claims Code of Practice. The additional guidance could contribute to the operationalization of environmental integrity in voluntary carbon markets. We believe the leadership of VCMI can unlock the finances to accelerate the mitigation activities toward net zero by 2050.”

Mr. Yutaka Matsuzawa Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Driving integrity in voluntary carbon markets for climate resilience & a sustainable future

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