Carbon Integrity 101

VCMI’s Carbon Integrity 101 webinar series invites companies from around the world to learn how to make Carbon Integrity Claims to accelerate global net zero, above and beyond science-aligned emissions cuts.

This full programme provides a step-by-step deep dive into VCMI’s Claims Code of Practice, with a live Q&A at the end of each session. Upon completion, participants will be fully equipped with the know-how to make a Carbon Integrity Claim.

Join us in advancing meaningful climate action and sign up below.

Webinar 1:

20 March 2024  3pm GMT

The first in our Carbon Integrity 101 series, this webinar will provide an overview of VCMI and the Carbon Integrity Claims, explaining how companies can make claims and get recognized for ambitious climate leadership.

Join us in advancing meaningful climate action.

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Spanish and French translations available under ‘Settings’.

Webinar 2: How to make a claim – Step 1

3 April 2024  3pm GMT 

This webinar provides clarity and detail around the first step towards making a VCMI Carbon Integrity Claim; complying with the Foundational Criteria in the VCMI Claims Code of Practice (Claims Code). This includes:  

  1. Maintaining and disclosing an annual greenhouse gas emissions inventory 
  2. Setting and publicly disclosing science-aligned near-term emission reduction targets, and publicly commit to reaching net-zero emissions no later than 2050 
  3. Demonstrating progress on meeting near-term emissions target(s) 
  4. Demonstrating that a company’s public policy advocacy supports Paris Agreement goals 

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Spanish and French translations available under ‘Settings’.

Webinar 3: How to make a claim – Steps 2 + 3

17 April 2024  3pm GMT

This webinar covers:

  • How to select which Claim to make, outlining the difference between Silver, Gold, and Platinum Claims; 
  • The two things companies must do to demonstrate progress against near-term emissions reduction targets; and 
  • How to meet VCMI’s thresholds for carbon credit use and quality, including guidance on Core Carbon Principle (CCP)-approved credits and CORSIA-eligible credits.

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Webinar 4: How to make a claim – Step 4

2 May 2024  |  3pm GMT

This webinar clearly explains how to obtain third-party assurance using VCMI’s MRA Framework, including: 

  • Reporting and assurance requirements for companies looking to make a Carbon Integrity Claim; and 
  • What’s inside the MRA Framework, including an evidence checklist, detailed assurance requirements, and a step-by-step process to make a Claim. 

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Webinar 5: Branding and communications

16 May 2024  |  3pm GMT

After successfully achieving a VCMI Carbon Integrity Claim, it’s time to share it with the world! This session will provide guidance on how to communicate Carbon Integrity Claims and use the Carbon Integrity mark, drawing on VCMI’s Carbon Integrity brand guidelines and supplementary guidance on communicating VCMI Claims. 

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Webinar 6: Interactive Q&A

29 May 2024  |  3pm GMT

Got questions? We’re here to help. Tune in for a live Q&A session with the VCMI Secretariat, who will be online to answer any of your questions about making a VCMI Carbon Integrity Claim.

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“Voluntary carbon markets can increase finance flows. I am pleased the UK Government is supporting the Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity Initiative to help ensure they deliver the greatest benefits for climate, for people and nature.”

Alok Sharma profile picture
Alok Sharma President for COP26

“Without clarification — and real enforcement — net zero will become an empty slogan that governments, corporations and investors can use to greenwash emissions as usual.”

Rachel Kyte profile picture
Rachel Kyte Dean of the Fletcher School, Tufts University

“Carbon markets hold immense potential for helping the world tackle the climate crisis and accelerate progress across the 2030 Agenda. A robust carbon market relies on climate-credible demand as well as stable and high-integrity supply of carbon credits. Governments are essential partners and can catalyze the generation of real and measurable greenhouse gas emission reductions and removals. UNDP is proud to be partnering with VCMI and Climate Focus on a Toolkit that provides a starting point for policymakers to consider how they engage with voluntary carbon markets as a source of much needed finance to deliver their climate targets.”

Usha Rao-Monari profile picture
Usha Rao-Monari Associate Administrator, UNDP
Driving integrity in voluntary carbon markets for climate resilience & a sustainable future

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