Image credits

©Atul Loke for Panos Pictures/Food and Land Use Coalition

©Atul Loke for Panos Pictures/Food and Land Use Coalition


©Tui Anandi /ISA

©Marcelo Camargo / Agência Brasil

© João Ramid

©Filippo Cesarini, Unsplash

© Stuart Clouth / P4F

©Stuart Clouth / P4F

©Marcelo Camargo / Agência Brasil



©JP Valery, Unsplash

©Samuel Ferrara, Unsplash

©Ian Teh for Panos Pictures/Food and Land Use Coalition


©Joel Vodell, Unsplash

©Ibrahim Shabi, Unsplash




©Feri Latief/P4F




©Denys Munang/Eagle High Plantations

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