What is the objective of VCMI?

VCMI is a multi-stakeholder platform to drive credible, net-zero aligned participation in voluntary carbon markets.

To avoid the catastrophic impacts of climate change, global warming must be kept to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

Voluntary carbon markets provide an opportunity to direct private finance towards climate mitigation and nature-based solutions. But integrity is crucial. VCMI engages stakeholders around a shared mission to ensure voluntary carbon markets fulfil their potential to support the goals of the Paris Agreement.

VCMI connects and amplifies initiatives that share its vision for high integrity voluntary carbon markets. In addition, it focusses on a few key areas where there is a clear need for additional work.

Immediate priorities are to:

  • Develop high integrity guidance for buyers of carbon credits, including on climate claims by businesses.
  • Support access to high integrity voluntary carbon markets and monitor broader supply-side integrity efforts.


Driving integrity in voluntary carbon markets for climate resilience & a sustainable future

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© 2025 Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative