Blog Archives

08 December 2023 Insights

Significant emission reductions possible through global water sector: new research reveals

08 December 2023 Press Release

Leading Actors Join Forces to Advance Carbon Finance in Support of Sustainable Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean

04 December 2023 Insights

Indigenous Peoples & Local Community members invited to join new IPs and LCs VCM Engagement Forum to help shape the future of the voluntary carbon market

03 December 2023 Press Release

New research finds catalytic role for philanthropic funders to help build high-integrity carbon markets at national level

29 November 2023 Insights

Joint statement: VCMI and ICVCM call on businesses to urgently decarbonize operations and demonstrate climate leadership

09 November 2023 Press Release

IICA, VCMI, and Climate Focus Unveil Policy Proposal to Leverage High Integrity Agricultural and Blue Carbon Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean

08 November 2023 Press Release

VCMI launches Early Adopters Program 

Driving integrity in voluntary carbon markets for climate resilience & a sustainable future

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