VCMI’s Access Strategies Program delivers holistic technical assistance that complements Paris Agreement frameworks.
Through the first phase of the Access Strategies Program, VCMI offered support to policymakers to access high-integrity VCMs and channel finance into priority sectors. Delivered in partnership with Climate Focus and UNDP, the Access Strategies Program engaged an initial set of host countries from June 2021 to November 2022.
The program took a country-specific perspective, considering prior experiences, national circumstances and existing carbon finance mechanisms and infrastructure. This included providing information and supporting stakeholder engagement to inform decision-making on how to direct investment from VCMs into mitigation action and align VCMs with other financial instruments to deliver national climate and economic priorities.
The first output of this program, based on feedback gathered during this first phase, is the VCM Access Strategy Toolkit (see below).
VCMI continues to support additional outputs through catalytic projects and partnerships that aim to help implement the toolkit and promote equitable market access. Knowledge products resulting from this work can be found in the library tab.
For updates on the program and Toolkit, please subscribe to the VCMI newsletter.