Call for nominations to the VCMI Expert Advisory Group

Role of the Expert Advisory GroupĀ 

The Expert Advisory Group (EAG) will serve as the primary means of channeling the technical advice from a diverse array of subject matter experts to the VCMI Steering Committee (ā€œSteerCoā€), which serves as the high-level decision-making body of the VCMI Initiative. It will:

  • Address technical areas of VCMI integrity ā€“ this includes demand-side integrity and the net zero-aligned use of carbon credits, assurance, transparency, and connecting demand and supply-side integrity.
  • Identify gaps and issues where further research is needed ā€“ this could lead to sub-grants by VCMI.

The EAGā€™s immediate focus will be reviewing responses to VCMIā€™s global consultation report and advising the Steering Committee on claims guidance in advance of COP26.

EAG Membership

VCMI is looking for a diverse and inclusive group of subject matter experts (up to ~30 at this stage). In parallel with a proactive search, we are inviting applications through our website. The VCMI Secretariat will select EAG members on a rolling basis based on expertise, considerations of diversity and inclusion, and the needs of the EAG.

The EAG will be led by two Co-Chairs. In addition to an overarching group, the EAG will work in sub-groups that focus on specific issues

VCMI will use these criteria when considering candidates for the EAG:

  1. Subject matter expertise
    1. Expertise in the credible use of carbon credits (ā€œdemand-side integrityā€)
    2. Expertise in the high integrity supply of carbon credits (ā€œsupply-side integrityā€)
    3. VCM infrastructure expertise
    4. Transparency infrastructure
    5. Climate and carbon regulation expertise
    6. ESG business case expertise
  2. Geography
    1. We aim for an even mix of global north and south, and a spread across the key VCM regions (Latin America, Africa, South, and East Asia, Europe)
  3. Diversity of gender, race, and ethnicity

VCMI actively seeks and encourages applications from candidates from diverse backgrounds including Indigenous Peoples and local communities. UnderstandingĀ and addressingĀ Indigenous Peoplesā€™ viewsĀ and concernsĀ asĀ stewards of the forests and other resourcesĀ is crucial toĀ guaranteeĀ the integrity that this initiative seeks toĀ achieve.

Participation in the EAG is voluntary and in an individual capacity rather than as official spokespersons or representatives of organizations or other initiatives they are affiliated with. We anticipate hosting two meetings per month ahead of COP 26 subject to EAG members’ availability and requiring a couple of hours to review and comment on knowledge products. We will aim to hold the first meeting of EAG members in mid-August, noting that its members will continue to expand over time. Please note this is a volunteer, non-compensated position. VCMI can provide financial support to expert contributors to facilitate their participation under certain circumstances and upon request to the VCMI Secretariat. Ā The Secretariat will decide on a case-by-case basis.

Submit your application

To apply to the EAG, please fill in this form and submit your CV to We will not respond to applications made via phone calls or email. VCMI will only contact individuals whose qualifications match the current needs of the EAG. Thanks for your interest in VCMI.

Driving integrity in voluntary carbon markets for climate resilience & a sustainable future

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