Swapan Mehra

Swapan Mehra is the Founder and CEO of Iora Ecological Solutions, one of India’s leading environmental advisory firms that enables climate action through integrated nature-based solutions. IORA specialises in developing Ecosystem-based Solutions for Climate Change, Agriculture, Forestry and Biodiversity and Land Use Sector (AFOLU).

Swapan is an environmental finance and climate policy expert with over sixteen years of experience in developing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects. He holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School and a Master’s in Business Administration from IIFM Bhopal.

Swapan has contributed for development of some of India’s pivotal policy documents in India, including Long Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LTLEDS) National REDD+ Strategy, NDC Goal 5 Roadmap, and the “devolution formula” for India’s 14th and 15th Finance Commissions. He is a World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader (2020), a Donella Meadows Fellow at the Balaton Group, a LEAD India Fellow, and a FICCI Young Business Leader. He also led carbon finance and climate investment teams at Evolution Markets and AES India during the early CDM days.

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