Ana Carolina Avzaradel Szklo

Ana Carolina Avzaradel Szklo is the Technical Director – Markets and Standards at VCMI, leading the organization’s technical work and managing the Expert Advisory Group. She is responsible for developing and implementing the VCMI Claims Code of Practice, to ensure corporate engagement with voluntary carbon markets and associated claims are credible and robust. Ana Carolina manages the Markets and Standards Team who support this work to secure appropriate research and governance surrounding the Code’s development.

With 18 years’ experience working across almost 20 countries on sustainability themes, Ana Carolina has worked in diverse contexts ranging from climate negotiations within the UNFCCC and IPCC to project development and advocacy. She previously served as the Sustainability Manager of Humanize Institute, a Brazilian philanthropic organization focused on sustainable development and fostering income generation, with responsibility for sustainability and impact business portfolios. Prior to this, she worked as the Technical Development Director of the Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEBDS) and as liaison to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a global network of more than 200 environmentally-minded corporate CEOs. Ana Carolina has served in the Brazilian government as a climate change negotiator.

Ana Carolina maintains a wide network of collaborators including leaders from the business, government, NGO and academic sectors. With a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, she has a Master’s degree in Environmental and Energy Planning, and serves as a member of both the UNDP and UNFCCC Roster of Experts as an energy expert and lead reviewer of national greenhouse gas inventories.

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