Beta Scope 3 Claim

Public Consultation Now Open

Companies are not reducing emissions fast enough and need tools to accelerate their climate ambition and action, as a complement to delivering Scope 3 decarbonization goals. A high-integrity Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) can help companies go further, faster, and increase the flow of climate finance to where it is needed most. To support greater action, VCMI is inviting feedback from stakeholders to help strengthen its beta Scope 3 Claim. 

About the Claim and Consultation

The Claim offers a science-based approach for companies to take action on scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions that remain unabated. With an updated methodology, VCMI has launched a public consultation this September seeking wide-ranging stakeholder input, to ensure the perspectives of diverse groups will be at the heart of this process.

The Scope 3 Claim can be used as an additional tool for companies to deliver climate action through voluntary carbon markets, while they return to a scope 3 emissions trajectory, consistent with their net zero transition commitments.

To make a Scope 3 Claim, companies will need to be transparent about progress made on decarbonization, challenges they are facing, and remedies being put in place, as well as purchasing and retiring high-quality carbon credits.

VCMI is proud to collaborate with BSI to manage the public consultation of the beta Scope 3 Claim. BSI is a global leader in standards, and their expertise in international consensus building will support us in gathering valuable feedback from a wide range of stakeholders, to help ensure that the updated Scope 3 Claim reflects diverse perspectives and maintains robust guardrails.

How to Participate

The public consultation is now live and will run from September 2nd to October 7th, 2024.

We invite you to review the consultation materials and provide your feedback below.

Upcoming Events

To support your participation, BSI will be facilitating two webinars on September 17th and 19th. These sessions will offer an overview of the consultation process, detailed explanations of the proposed updates to the Claim’s methodology and guardrails and offer an opportunity to ask questions. Register

Past Events

VCMI hosted a webinar to introduce the beta Scope 3 Claim and help participants understand the current challenges and opportunities in addressing scope 3 emissions and how to participate in the consultation. Listen in.

Next Steps

Following the consultation, we will carefully review all feedback and make necessary updates to the beta Scope 3 Claim. A summary of the consultation outcomes and the final version of the Claim will be published later in 2024, with the finalized Scope 3 Claim anticipated for early 2025.

Your feedback is crucial in refining the Claim’s methodology and guardrails to enable companies act with confidence to ensure climate action where it would otherwise be absent.

For more information, or to get involved, please contact us at

Stay Informed

Sign up to our newsletter and follow VCMI on LinkedIn and X @wearevcmi to stay updated on the consultation outcomes.


Why a Public Consultation?

Over 150 organizations have already fed into the development of the Claim through an earlier consultation process as a first step. In the forthcoming updated version of the Claim there are methodological changes, and, as with all science-based frameworks, best practice means that there is an iterative process to ensure final publication is fully robust and considers a wide-range of stakeholder perspectives. The process of inviting feedback on an updated version of the Scope 3 Claim, will help build on and strengthen existing requirements and guardrails to finalise the claim and ensure that it maintains high standards of integrity while also being practical to potential corporate adopters.

Businesses want to move rapidly with their climate transition plans, and a thriving, well-constructed voluntary carbon market is vital to supporting their goals. The consultation and strengthening of the Claim are key components of this work.

What are we consulting on?

The process of the public consultation will ensure the requirements and recommendations covered by the Scope 3 Claim are clear, effective and further strengthen transparency. Specific topics addressed include the core methodology for the claim, proposed guardrails, and incentives to make progress towards scope 3 emissions targets. Alongside other aspects of the consultation, this will enable VCMI to further strengthen the updated Scope 3 Claim.

How are you ensuring the process is transparent and robust?

VCMI is committed to transparency and robust stakeholder engagement – that is one of VCMI’s core values and of the Foundational Criteria for any VCMI Claim. We are actively engaging organizations through social media, newsletters, and outreach through our networks, to encourage participation. Finalizing the Claim will also involve active input from VCMI’s Expert Advisory Group, in addition to formal approval and oversight by its Steering Committee.

All responses received from the consultation will be published on VCMI’s website, alongside a synthesis report and an explanation of how we’ve responded to comments in drafting the final version of the claim.

VCMI is proud to collaborate with BSI as a delivery partner to manage the public consultation of the beta Scope 3 Claim. BSI is a key part of the ISO system on standards, and their expertise in standards development processes and consensus building will help us gather valuable feedback from a wide range of stakeholders, ensuring that the final Scope 3 Claim reflects diverse perspectives and maintains robust guardrails.

How can I learn more about the consultation and contribute?

VCMI will communicate further through September for organizations to better understand the consultation process and contribute in the most effective way possible. Sign up for the upcoming webinars for an overview of the consultation process, detailed explanations of the proposed updates, and an opportunity to ask questions.

Register below:

Sept 17 Registration
Sept 19 Registration

When will the Claim be finalized? And why is it delayed?

VCMI is currently working to finalize the Scope 3 Claim in Q1 of 2025. Since publishing the original beta roadmap, significant progress has already been made in improving the methodology for the Claim. In some cases, these improvements have led to significant changes from the initial methodology, requiring a new public consultation. This necessary step consequently extends timelines.

Driving integrity in voluntary carbon markets for climate resilience & a sustainable future

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